Engraving Help
At BrassBell, while we are very proud of our high quality, solid brass bells, what really sets us apart is our ability to engrave (not print or laser) on a difficult shaped surface with professional precision. We can engrave both text and logos on most products we carry, and with a quick turnaround (generally 3-5 business days). Plus, we guarantee satisfaction on every engraving job we do.
Font size is determined by the size of the bell and the number of characters you choose. For instance, on our popular 7 Inch Wall Bell, there is about 4 inches of engravable space. If your last name is “King”, as in sample photo below, we can make the font very large. But if you want “The King Family” on one line, we can’t make the font nearly as big. It’s best to use more lines if you want a larger font size.

Engraving shows best on antiqued or dark finishes. Our diamond tipped engraving instruments actually cut into the surface of the bell. On darker finish bells, they cut through the patina and into the raw brass color interior, resulting in higher contrast text.
We now use a thicker text font on polished brass and nickel finish bells that we think really makes them “pop” better than before, and customers have been pleased with the results. But it doesn’t contrast quite as much.

We use special fonts that have been designed to provide more contrast when engraving. You may notice in our photos we’ve done a few different fonts over the years. We will occasionally do different fonts on special request (particularly on larger orders), but in general they don’t show as well on engraved bells.
We don’t provide proofs for single bell engravings. We’ve tried to make our text and logo engravings as affordable as possible. One way to do that is eliminate the labor intensive (and timely) back and forth of emailing proofs and waiting for responses/changes.
Our graphic artists and engravers have many years of experience in this field, and have a good idea what looks best on both text and logo layouts. We guarantee satisfaction, and after 25 years and many thousands of bells sold, we could probably count on one hand the number of customers not happy with their engraving.
If you want more say in the layout, feel free to lay out how you would like the relative size of the different lines in an email after ordering. Our engravers will use that as a reference.
On logos, your design will be made as large as possible. On larger orders, we will provide a proof or engrave one bell and photograph before proceeding with the rest of the order.